
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Having Some Fun: Experimentation

Cutting It Close

Experimenting is one of the more enjoyable aspects of photography. Like most forms of art, there is no right or wrong way to photograph something. There maybe some ways to make a photo are more pleasing than others, but no right or wrong. So take some time and play around with different settings, and have some fun with your camera, because all work and no play makes for a boring photographer!

Most of the time I shoot in RAW format, because it is more flexible, but there are times when I like to shoot jpgs, such as when I shoot black and white with my E-410. I find the B&W results out of the E-410 to be very pleasing to my eye, and the image of my electric shaver, is right out of the camera, no editing at all. I did take a number of photos, with the one I posted being among my favorite.


I also recently read an article about zooming while taking a photo. I found the best results were with photos taken with a shutter speed slower than 2 seconds.

That is about all for today, and don't forget to have some fun while you are shooting!

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