
Saturday, January 30, 2010

A short outing, and is it possible to over shoot something?

Having joined the local camera club a few weeks ago, I've gotten a different perspective on other local photographers. The biggest thing is, photography does not just have to be something I do on my own, and secondly, I can learn a lot from some of the seasoned vets of the trade. As part of that first step, my father, who also joined the club, and I went to meet with other members for an outing today. It was raining lightly, and we figured they would call if off, but we want to meet up and be sure. The outing was canceled, but we did get to meet more people in a less formal environment, which was nice, and we got to have a few laughs as well. Now onto the second topic of the day.

I've heard many discussions on whether you can shoot too much, or too little to get the kind of results that you want. Having listened to a number of professional photographers talk about this subject I think the answer is no, you cannot over shoot something. If it takes 100 photos of something to get the look you want, then take 100 photos of it. Do not be afraid to fill up your memory cards, unless of course you are in a situation where space is limited due to travel in remote areas.

One of the best ways to improve your photography is to take pictures of the same object from every angle possible. Don't overlook anything, take photos till you find the look that you want. This is especially true in situations where you are unlikely to return to the area in question, why miss a meaningful shot just because you don't like your first few? After all, you can always delete the images you don't like later if you need to open up more space on your memory cards.

Another reason to take a lot of photos is to change how you think about the subject. If you just take one or two quick snapshots you often find that you were not thinking very much about the results, or more importantly composition.

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