
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Aperture 3 Wowes Continue

Another update this week on Aperture 3. I've tried several things to see if there were file corruptions in my installation of Aperture 3, the Libraries I'm using or even the OS install. Yesterday I tried removing all Aperture related files (other than my photos), and reinstalled the program. No changes from my earlier reports of Aperture 3 creating huge (10GB + swap files), so I was a little disappointed to say the least. This morning I backed up all my files and reinstalled the OS, just to make sure nothing was missed up on that level. Reinstalled the OS, updated it, installed Aperture 3, updated it and all support updates, like 3.0.1, Pro Kit 5.1 update, and Camera RAW update 3.1. I was really hoping I'd see an improvement.

After a few hours of work with all those installations and update, no change! Aperture is still not working any better than before, creating large, ever growing swap files when I use brushes to apply any kind of changes, from exposure to doge and burn. What bugs me the most is that everything works just fine, other than brushes. I'm frustrated to say the least, as I don't think there is much I can do to fix the problem. I could add more RAM, but considering how large swap files can get (I've allowed it to go to 20GB max before quitting the app), I doubt maxing my RAM at 8GB would help much. I've had some people suggest that I get an SSD, so that the swap doesn't bring my system to it's knees as quickly, but frankly considering the cost of a 30GB SSD is around $100-150 Cdn, I cannot justify doing that.

My only hope at this stage is that Apple can fix this problem. If the problem is not fixed, I guess I'll be selling my copy of Aperture 2 and 3, and looking for other software to do the job. I really like Aperture, but if I cannot make the kind of adjustments I want, what good is it?

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