
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Back at the Sanctuary

Monday I was back out at the Reifel Bird Sanctuary, to once again photograph the progress of the baby Sandhill Crane, which is still alive and growing fast from the looks of things. At this point the baby Sandhill Crane has far more energy, and is getting larger, at least a few inches taller than on my previous visit. Guests are now allowed back on the trail near the nest, as the Cranes are becoming less aggressive as the young crane gets bigger. Sanctuary staff still recommend staying 20 feet from the Cranes, although as long as you are careful you can get closer than that. I was often 10-15 feet away without disturbing them. The baby is able to eat and find food on its' own, but the parents will still give it food often.

Feed Me!

The day was also eventful in that there were a number of Long-billed Dowitchers, Greater Yellowlegs and three or four Killdeers in the sanctuary. Took some photos of the Killdeers, as the Dowitchers and Yellowlegs were too far away to get any decent shots.

Just Walking

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