
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Looking Back (POTD June 23)

Yesterday afternoon I visited the Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site, which is located in Richmond. I've had the pleasure of visiting several sites like this lately, thanks to the Discovery Pass I bought last September when I first visited Jasper and Banff National Parks. The pass cost $67 Cdn, and is good for one year. That sounds like a lot of money for a park pass, but a visit to any Canadian National Park or Historic site requires a $10 day pass. Thanks to the Discovery pass I've more than made up for the initial cost, as I've spent more than 14 days in National Parks, and now several days in various other historic sites. Anyway, back to the visit to the Cannery!

The first thing you see when you enter the exhibit is a pair of men in a small two man fishing boat from the late 1800's. The light in the Cannery is dim, and the above photo shows what you have to work with. Some areas are better than others, but this shot typifies the lighting conditions. I took the shot with the D700 and AF-S 50mm F1.8G at F1.8, using center weighted metering. I took some other shots using spot metering, but I didn't like the results as much. I've have more shots from the Cannery in the days to come.

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