
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Afire With Light (POTD August 4)

Light is the name of the game in photography, and there are so many different ways to display it. One type of photograph that I enjoy making is with the central focus of just the light itself, rather than the subject. In this type of photo the subject simply becomes a tool in which to display the light. This is a type of photography that I want to work on more in the months ahead, so you might be seeing more images like this in the future.

I was out for a walk, during the harsh light of mid-day, with the goal of capturing a scene like the one above. When I saw the light hitting these reeds I knew that I needed to make an image, but not so much of the reeds themselves. My goal was to capture the light that was passing through the reeds, and since I was shooting in black and white, that has been highlighted nicely in today's image. 

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