
Monday, October 3, 2011

Othello Tunnels 3 (POTD October 3)

Tunnels can be interesting subject matter for photographs, because they force a perspective on the viewer. The way light as it passes through tunnels also effects the feel of the image. You can use the light at the other end of a tunnel several ways, to show scale, as in the case of today's photo, or to show what is on the other side. I saw an interesting example on 500px this last week where the foreground of the image was black and white, while the background on the other side of the tunnel was in colour. That type of image is interesting, and portrays the feeling of the "grass being greener on the other side." The tunnel in today's photo was blasted out of a rock-face in the Coquihalla Canyon in the 1930s, so it does not have a modern look. The walls of the tunnel have not be cemented, so there are interesting shapes and textures to be found throughout it. 

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