
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Silver Lake Reflections (POTD October 4)

After visiting the Coquihalla Canyon last Wednesday I made my way out to Silver Lake, which is a short drive from Hope, BC. I arrived at Silver Lake just as the sun was sliding behind the hills west of the lake, which lit the background and caused some amazing reflections. Some fishermen said I missed the best light by just a few moments, (I had been shooting a near by waterfall) so this is one location that I would love to shoot at again!


  1. I was wondering if you'd got out there. I haven't seen light like this there yet, but I have struggled with that boat ramp in my compositions before!

  2. Yeah the ramp was something I had to think about. For shots like this you are almost forced to find someway to put it into the image.

  3. Yeah I managed to avoid it eventually but I took a great number of shots before I even noticed it was there! Wells Peak is so close to the lake it was hard to get the reflection and the top of the peak in at 17mm. I haven't been there since early this year. Visited the boat launch and the picnic area to the north - any other good spots to view the lake?

  4. The boat launch was my last stop of the day, ran out of time to look elsewhere. I am hoping to go up again in the next few weeks though.
