
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Photography Gift Guide 2011: Part 3

This is the third and final part of the 2011 photography gift guide, which will cover some ideas that are not gear related. Part one of the guide covered items under $500, while part two covered ideas in the $500-1000 range.

Consider buying your photo taking friend or family member a book on photography, they can be helpful for beginners and advanced shooters alike. There are books aimed at different levels of photography, so keep that in mind when you make your purchase.

Maybe the photographer you know is more of a hands on learner, in which case the person might find taking classes more helpful than books. I am not talking about traditional photography classes at a university, but rather from a dedicated photography school which focuses on teaching someone how to shoot, learn lighting techniques and more in a hands on environment. These classes tend to last a weekend or one day a week for a few months. Cost will vary.

Does the photographer you know love to travel? Maybe you could in part, or totally, cover the cost of a photo adventure for that person! This gift could simply be freeing the person up for a day so they can explore their hobby, or an actual trip to another area. This could include one of those all inclusive photo tours that many advanced photographers offer at various times of the year.

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