Monday, March 7, 2011

Wood Duck Images: Photo Of The Day March 7

Had a relaxing afternoon walking at the George Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary. There wasn't a lot of activity, in terms of seeing any rare birds, but I did get some nice images of one of the most colourful birds that lives in the sanctuary.

Wood Duck Drake

This Wood Duck drake swam around in front of me for a few minutes, allowing me to get a few images of it. I love the colours of the male Wood Ducks because they stand out from every other duck in the region. I've found it hard to get good shots of them because they tend to be rather squeamish when people are around. A female Wood Duck was also swimming along with the drake, but I focused on the drake for obvious reasons. The mid-afternoon sun provided the light needed for this shot, but it did mean that I needed to wait for the drake to be moving away from me due to the direction of the light.

This second image of the drake was actually one of the first images that I took of it, but you can see why getting the duck to facing the right direction was important. Half of the drake is well lit, while the other half is almost hidden by it's down shadow. Thankfully the dynamic range of the D700's RAW files allowed me to pull some of the detail I wanted out of the shadows.

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